The Dragon Pantheon:
Yeah, it's one of those corny dragons and elements kind of thing. Let's start by just explaining things using a legend that, in one for or another, is in almost any Eupharan history book. TRYING TO BE AS CORNY AS POSSIBLE HERE.
---At the beginning of the world the elements of the infant world of Tarsius raged unchecked across the land. The earth would not settle into place, the waters swirled and raged, the winds blew wild in every direction, and fire engulfed all it could. This turbulence at the beginning of the world was led by elementals, endless in number and given shape by the great magics trapped inside the infant world, recklessly exercising their power over their young and unshaped surroundings. Life had no place in such a world.
---The first of ancient beings, the dragons, had grown wise and powerful. Through their understanding of the magics trapped inside Tarsius they had grown the ability to exercise control over the elements themselves. They decided to calm the raging world. Fafnir the Flamefather, the great red wyrm presiding over all dragonkind, called to his side Naelyan, queen of black dragons, Grael, king of blue dragons, and Sairyss, king of green dragons. Together the four mighty wyrms cut down swaths and swaths of elementals until the planet's magics were exhausted from giving them form.
---The quaking earth settled into the vast lands of the world. The violent waters settled, leaving the oceans and rivers flat. The wild winds calmed, ceasing to wreak havoc on the surface. The raging fire calmed, sinking to the dark depths of the earth.
---It was through the wisdom and power of the ancient dragons that the platform for life on Tarsius was created.
That's not where things end, though. There is another story that tells where the four big special landmarks in Eupharas come from. It's not as worked out, but basically Fafnir goes nots (LOLHI I'M DEATHWING) and starts destroying everything. In the end the other three decide to destroy him. Fucker's ridiculous, so it takes the combined effort of Naelyan, Grael, and Sairyss to take him down. The three themselves are so exhausted that they also pass away by the end of things. Where Fafnir's body fell an ever-active volcano takes form. Where Naelyan's body feel a giant river began to flow, and swiftly cut its way to the ocean. Where Grael's body fell and great mountain, taller than any other on Tarsius, takes form. And where Sairyss' body fell a giant ever-whirling sandstorm appears.
The four major cities (other than the capital) are built around these. Nir is a town built at the base of Mount Vulnir, using the flames of the volcano to fuel its forges. Yan is a port town built at the mouth of the Nael River. It's known for trade and, well, fish. Ael is a mining town built in and on Grekal Mountain. It's the most successful of the four because of the vast riches that the mountain contains. Yss is a trade town which is probably the most unique. It's built in several layers in a giant circle around Sairza, the sandstorm. It uses the storm's rapid, circular winds as a course of transportation. More on that later. It's big thing is the manufacturing of prana for Eupharas. It's easiest there for a number of reasons.
As far as worshiping dead gods goes, you don't. The dragon's eldest children take their places. Succeeding Fafnir and inheriting the title of Flamefather is his eldest son, Taalnir. Succeeding Naelyan is her eldest son, Goryan. He is also given the title Watercaller by his followers. Succeeding Grael is his eldest daughter Raael. She is also the title Earthshaper by her followers. Succeeding Sairyss is his eldest son Yiindyss. He is also given the title Windwalker by his followers.
Information for worshiping them is below:
Taalnir the Flamefather:
Chaotic Good
Domains: Dragon, Scalykind, Good, Fire, Courage, and Renewal
Favored weapon: Greataxe
Goryan the Watercaller
Lawful Good
Domains: Dragon, Scalykind, Good, Water, Healing, and Ocean
Favored weapon: Quarterstaff
Raael the Earthshaper
Neutral Good
Domains: Dragon, Scalykind, Good, Earth, Strength, and Metal
Favored weapon: Warhammer
Yiiindyss the Windwalker
Chaotic Good
Domains: Dragon, Scalykind, Good, Knowledge, Mind, Air, Magic, and Trickery
Favored weapon: Dagger
You can also worship Fafnir, which is quite honestly a bad idea. It's quite looked down upon. There are cultists who believe that he's still alive deep in Mount Vulnir, through. Fafnir is Chaotic Evil and his domains are: Dragon, Scalykind, Evil, Fire, Madness, and Wrath.