Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Newer Vision of Tarsius: Updated Map

Now, let's do a quick run over of all the new areas named here:

As you may have guessed (good person with working brain, good!) Terkecil is related to Kecil. Terkecil is a smaller Halfling settlement under the protection of the Elves of Doren. Although friendly with their relatives from Kecil, the two populations are pretty isolated from one another and Halflings from Terkecil are considered more worldly, socially advanced, and intelligent then their cousins for a number of reasons, chief among them being both their lack of geographic isolation and their long and intimate intermingling with the Elves.

Hrunguul is a pair of large islands off of the northeast coast of Mystwood known for its dense population of Goblinoids. Diving into history leads one to find that in older times they inhabited what is not Mystwood before it became what it is, and ran north when they had to abandon their ancient home. Although there are a few settlements on Mystwood's northern coast left, most set sail for Hrunguul, leading to what it is today.

Mystwood is infamous for being the major obstacle most merchants trying to move goods through the southern continent have to face. It is a thick lush forest that covers a giant area between Tulud Erda and Doren. What makes it unique is that the forest is largely comprised of a special tree. These trees release a dense mist throughout most of the year. Visibility is so low that you could get lost ten feet in. This is not the only thing special about the forest, however. A number of vicious flora and fauna now dominate the forest, thriving in a habitat that damns those who rely on eyesight. Anyone who enters the Mystwood and returns alive is given a hero's welcome. There are rumors of an extreme clan of druids who call it their home, however.

Tulud Erda:
Tulud Erda is a giant desert planted in between Tulia and Mystwood. There aren't many inhabitants, although there are strings of merchant villages due to its central location in the southern continent making it important for trade routes. Its inhabitants are sparse and of mixed races, but a larger portion of people who live there are Gnomes. This is largely because of it being adjacent to Tulia and because many larger merchant cartels seem to be run by Gnomes.

Honestly not 100% on what to do with this. I may make my own race or use some obscure one from somewhere, but for now let's go with Kobolds! Everyone loves Kobolds.

The Black Forest:
Although most of the lands just north of Fut'Mundas and Tulia are inhabited by the Orcish, the Black Forest is where the bulk of the rogue Orcish population lies. It was originally said that the founders of Fut'Mundas descended from the north to separate from their brethren. They chose to run east as several mountains ranges and a large desert shielded them from their brutal relatives' pursuit. The northern part of Tulia regularly suffers from attacks from Orcish raiders, and it had been confirmed that a large portion of them belong to the Su'Laug.

Tolnithe was named by the Elves long ago. It means "shattered spearhead" in their tongue, a name given to it because of its appearance. It is a large group of mountainous islands north of Fut'Mundas and the unclaimed roughlands dead north of it. It is largely uninhabited other than its native flora and fauna, with the occasional small oddball town or pirate hideout. It is also a land almost untouched by time. The magic forces that reside within Tarsius still rage around the islands of Tolnithe. It has regular earthquakes, disastrous storms, and is infested with elementals. It is a very difficult environment to live in, hence few people venturing there.

Rutil is a human settlement south of Eupharas. It is what many consider to be the prime example of Eupharas' fair and benevolent rule. Rutil originally belonged to Eupharas, but because of its isolation from the mainland it began to feel like its own entity after some time. It eventually requested autonomy, and after several years of peaceful negotiations was granted it. It still holds an outstanding relationship with Eupharas, and allows Eupharas to pass trade goods through its lands. This is most important because it allows trade ships stopping at Rutil on their way north to Eupharas to restock on supplies, taking some burden off of the long journey.

Fut'Mundas: A Land of Barbarisms

First, let's talk about the ruling family. Orcs, being brutish and unintelligent in nature, traditionally did not have last names. They usually give themselves simple single names, usually with some meaning from their language. As the time of Half-Orcs had come the ruling family from a couple hundred years ago made an attempt to appear more civilized to other nations by encouraging families to create last names for themselves. Having the title of "Highthane" already in place, the title itself became the last name of the ruling family. This makes Highthane Grekka's name literally Grekka Highthane, but most of her followers use her name as the title to show respect. Half-Orcish (and Orcish) last names are usually pulled from their professions or roles in a community (such as Zau'zogtar, Orcish for blackmith or Mosparaun, Orcish for midwife), but certain last names have become unique, either by being bastardized form its original meaning or from taking the names from other languages.

Now, as far as the structure of the ruling family of Fut'Mundas, things are quite simple. A little cliffnotes history to give things context. Orcs once ruled as a majority over Half-Orcs, but over time the Half-Orcs grew in number and had a slight advantage in intelligence from the beginning. Eventually conflict broke out between the two and a war occured. The Half-Orcs won and claimed Fut'Mundas, the Strongest Throne, as their own. At the end of the rebellion the leaders of the movement picked Lapus, a member of the movement whose charisma, wisdom, and strength on the battlefield, to become the first Highthane. They set it up to be a simple monarchy that gives a large amount of power, particularly military, to the Highthane, but in their wisdom also set up a "Council of Thanes" to make sure that the Highthane is kept in check. There are 10 Thanes, each ruling over their own large settlement inside Fut'Mundas. Eight of them inherit their title from their parents as the Hihgthane does, and the Highthane his/herself is allowed to appoint two. The Thanes who inherit their titles are descended from exceptional leaders of the rebellion. The two appointed from by the Highthane usually come from the royal family, such as siblings or aunts/uncles, and the Highthane can change the two appointed Thanes at any time. The current roster for the leadership of Fut'Mundas is as follows: (They'll all get profiles later)

Highthane, the one who takes his/her seat on the throne of Hajat'Uruk: Grekka Highthane

Council of Thanes:
Appointed: (both by Grekka)
Thane of Majat: Galk Highthane (Grekka's younger brother)
Thane of Frukshul: Draksha Highthane (Grekka's younger sister, the middle child of the three)

Thane of Gozad: Lagat Rukul
Thane of Girdan: Kasol
Thane of Madargon: Zhurm Vitaar
Thane of Magath: Madom Goth (known as "The Iron Matron of Magath," Magath and Kokan are famous for their blacksmiths, more later)
Thane of Kokan: Zog Zau'zogtar
Thane of Urrogat: Kodar Nagithas (known as "Kodar the Horrible")
Thane of Suk: Akal Dagalush
Thane of Mobalt: Thruug (the only Orcish Thane, Mobalt is a large mining city in southern Fut'Mundas where most of their raw metal comes from)

Now let's introduce ourselves to a few important actors from Fut'Mundas.

Age: 21
The middle child of the three siblings, Draksha is the Thane of Frukshul, one of the smaller settlements in Fut'Mundas and a fishing town. Publicly she is known as someone who preaches peace between Fut'Mundas and the outside nations, Bulnd-Hugn especially. She often holds talks in public squares all around Fut'Mundas about how advantageous it would be to enlist the assistance of the Dwarves, both in arms against the Su'Laug and in cleaning up the bad blood between the two nations.Although she does powerfully believe in these things herself, she largely preaches this as a favor to Grekka. Grekka, in her campaign against the Su'Laug, feels her hands too dirtied to preach peace to her people. Because of this Draksha often serves as her voice to the people, and on occasion as an envoy to other nations. Draksha has a slender, frail build for a Half-orc and a face fairer than most for her race so she is known throughout Fut'Mundas as its pacifist beauty. She does have a secret she and her siblings keep from the public, however.
She assassinates people for Grekka. All Grekka need do is call a hit and Draksha will have the deed done in a week's time. Although not overpoweringly talented as her siblings are, Draksha has used her slender build since a young age to build her abilities as a rogue and an assassin. Hiding this fact from her adoring people both in Frukshul and accross Fut'Mundas, she sneaks around the shadows of the great nation cleaning up Grekka's hit list.
Her personality is a bit strange and complicated. She emits a persona of tenderness and pacifism in her sister's place for the sake of spreading the message, but those are in the first place only Draksha borrowing her sister's ideals. Draksha's following Grekka is much less independent than her brother's. While Galk usually has a strong sense of his own will in his decisions Draksha usually turns to Grekka for her ideals and opinions. Draksha also has a much stronger attachment to Grekka. Born weak and raised in Grekka's shadow, all Draksha could do was eventually worship her sister. Left completely to herself without Grekka and while not acting for her sake, in other words showing her true personality, Draksha doesn't have too much of a personality honestly. Almost introverted, she tends to keep to herself and has to think long and hard to form any opinions by herself. She can act independently, but it doesn't happen often. Grekka knows this, of course, and tries to tease her into becoming her own self, but mostly to no avail. Draksha is extremely attached to Grekka in a number of ways. (I can build more on this later.) There is one thing that Grekka has said Draksha hates completely of her own will, however. During one of her assassinations she lost her right eye to her victim. She was very shaken by this because of what having an eye out commonly means to her people. Worshiping Gruumsh, and more importantly, opposing Grekka. She wears an eyepatch now and gave her people an excuse they all quickly accepted to hide what she has been doing in the shadows, but it still greatly disturbs her.

Age: 18
Galk is the youngest of the three siblings, however his fame throughout and even outside of Fut'Mundas rivals that of his Grekka. This is not only because of his Thanehood over Majat or his relation to Grekka, but because of his build. Upon reaching puberty it was made very obvious that he had been gifted with wondrous build. By the time he turned 14 whispers of him receiving the body of Kord himself rolled throughout Fut'Mundas. Well, Kord wasn't a Half-orc but, you know, Half-orcs. Anyway, a towering stature, Galk stands at an overpowering 8' 6". His build also very sturdy and tone for his height, he weighs nearly 500 pounds and is an immovable object even against a group of assailants. His body is also unnaturally hardy and resistant to poisons and illnesses. It's been said that his can take a dosage of lethal poison meant for an elephant without batting an eyelash. He does not waste these gifts, either. The citizens of Majat know him as a gentle leader who is a great aid in their survival in the desert. his kindness and love he shows to any innocent, especially ones who show loyalty to his eldest sister, is great enough to sneak its way into his reputation despite all else. Grekka's followers look at him as a young but respectable warrior worthy of their pride. However, members of the Su'Laug see him as a vile and dangerous enemy. Galk occasionally travels with the title "Eye of Gruumsh Hunter" as a warrior who specifically targets the stronger members of the Su'Laug (who usually ascend to a form of warrior with the title Eye of Gruumsh) and ruthlessly hunts them in the name of his eldest sister. A great number of times he enlists Draksha's aid in the hunting of more influential leaders of the Su'Laug. Basically, Galk busts through the door causing a giant distraction while Draksha sneaks in the back door and puts a knife in the throat of the Su'Laug leader. It works quite well. His personality is pretty simple, honestly. He's not too bright so he doesn't try to act it. He's very simple in a number of ways. He is, however, mostly a gentle giant. He is naturally kind and good-natured, and it takes a very large amount of provocation to receive a response form him. He is very protective of people he cares about, however, Grekka and Draksha especially. He's also been shown to be very protective of the citizens of Majat.
When he fights seriously it's usually against someone who opposes Grekka in some way, most often a member of the Su'Laug. During these battle he channels his anger towards those who would seek to crush his eldest sister's dreams, making him nigh unstoppable. His weapon of choice is a giant wooden mace made specifically for him by Madom. It features a wooden handle that ends in a large wooden body which is covered by thick iron plates. It hurts to get hit by it.

Madom Goth:
Age: 43
Of all of the leadership of Fut'Mundas the one second-best known is Madom Goth. She is the Thane of Magath and also recognized as the leader and commander of all of Fut'Mundas' organized military forces. Being an older woman she has has ample time to establish herself as a trusted and fierce warrior of the Highthane, having survived many campaigns against the Su'Laug, and a number of skirmishes from other lesser foes. She does well to protect both Magath and Fut'Mundas as a whole. Of all the Thanes beside Galk and Draksha she is the one who most strongly supports Grekka. Madom was a great close friend of the siblings' mother, Lapus, and had a large part in raising all three of them. Because of this all three look to her as an aunt or a godparent, and they are all very close. Madom Goth has a personal obsession with blacksmithing, and especially loves crafting weapons. She personally crafted all of the weapons that the three siblings carry into battle, as well as the weapons of several other Thanes and important members of their armed forces. Being gifted a weapon from Madom Goth is thought of as the highest honor to anyone serving Grekka.
Madom's is a woman who values discipline over most things. She was very stern with the siblings as they were being raised, albeit understandably because of the roles she knew they'd play. Approaching old age but feeling that she can not yet retire, Madom also shows high value of self-discipline by training rigorously every day to keep her physique and forging weapons and armor in her spare time to further perfect her craft. Other than that, however, she tends to be decently gentle with her friends and allies. Although always alert and almost never resting, she can occasionally show hints of a lax attitude when she's around people she trusts. Her long life has taught her caution, a lesson she'd rather not soon forget.
She is well-known for being a master of many weapons, and has no preference for one over the other. She does, however, always carry a pair of battle axes with her. The twin axes, one made by Zog and the other by Madom, were born in the heat of their competition to out-craft each other and are considered masterpieces. They arose from a challenge Zog issued to Madom to craft the same simple weapon to see once and for all who was the more skilled. In the end Zog gave his to her as "A token of gratitude to you, who pushes me to be a greater craftsman." while adding "I wouldn't use it, anyway." Together the pair is known as Mir'Armauk, which is Orcish for "good enemy", or rival. No one has ever been able to decide which of the two is more finely crafted.

Zog Zau'zogtar:
Age: 39
Zog Zau'zogtar, called ZogZog or Zoggy by those close to him, is the light-hearted, big-bellied thane of Kokan. Like Magath Kokan is a town largely known for its blacksmiths, although it does not have a long history of this. Zog had a passion for smithing since childhood and brought that passions to his people, establishing Kokan as a second large smithing settlement in Fut'Mundas over his Thanedom. Zog is a very talented one much like Madom, and some rumors state the quality of his works is just a little better. However he does not have the same miltary influence she does. Devoting his entire life to his crafting and his Thanehood, Zog is a non-combatant. His is quite hefty, spotting a giant belly won by years of mead and boar's meant, but still possesses the strength of his people. Years of smithing has hardened and strengthened his arms to the point where his bare-fisted blows devastate, even though he has never seen real battle outside of beating down ruffians that pester his favorite bar.
Because of Kokan's location, at the top of a giant mountain and a great distance from Mobalt, he makes regular trips there himself to handpick materials for his next masterpiece. Because of this, along with the simple fact that Kokan is on top of a bloody mountain, he's also well-known for his survival skills. Zog and his guard have been outstanding aid to the people of Kokan in surviving the harshness of elevation. His crowning achievement born of the love for smiting he brought to Kokan is the construction of the Great Kokan Forge, a giant stone structure underneath Kokan that is used both to forge weapons and heat the people of the settlement. Because, you know, snow. Mountains. Etc.
Zog has a healthy friendship with Madom. They often compare works and joke about whose is of the higher quality. Like Madom, Zog's loyalty to Grekka is fierce and has been bred since his youth when he followed her father. He is generally laid-back, however, wasting his time on booze, boar's meat, and striking the irons of his latest masterpiece. He is also generally friendly, although he shares with Galk the protection of the people from his settlement, and the settlement itself. He considers Kokan itself his child, and he deserves to.